JWF Blues Cares Raffle

Drawing July 4th at Waterfront Blues Festival benefiting The JWF Musician Health & Services Program.

Winning Ticket Numbers Announced!

Tickets are no longer available. Raffle is closed

The Jeremy Wilson Foundation Raised $16,400.00 Dollars!


Amazing Prizes & Experiences worth more than $5,547.00!

The drawing was held July 4th, 2022 at 9 PM at the Waterfront Blues Festival in the Jeremy Wilson Foundation event tent. 

Your ticket purchases support Oregon and Clark County, Washington musicians through medical hardship.
We’ve contacted the winners by email and/or text. You can see a recording of the drawing filmed live July 4th at 9 PM PST at https://www.facebook.com/theJWF

Experiences & Prizes Include


Winning Raffle Ticket #255

Winning raffle ticket #452

Winning Raffle Ticket #176

Winning Raffle Ticket #258

Winning Raffle Ticket #446

Winning Raffle Ticket #165

Winning Raffle Ticket #121 Men’s Jacket

Winning Raffle Ticket #221 Women’s Jacket

Winning Raffle Ticket #431

Winning Raffle Ticket #273 6-piece set

Winning Raffle Ticket #250 4-piece set

Winning Raffle Ticket #283

Winning Raffle Ticket #467

Winning Raffle Ticket #106

Winning Raffle Ticket #376

Winning Raffle Ticket #183

Winning Raffle Ticket #101

Winning Raffle Ticket #377

Winning Raffle Ticket #235

Winning Raffle Ticket #132

Winning Raffle Ticket #317

Winning Raffle Ticket #185